
Sunday, September 18, 2011

7-Day Ayurvedic Fall Detox

Today marks the end of my 7-day Ayurvedic Fall Detox, and I feel fabulous. This whole foods cleanse was accompanied with yoga practices, pranayama exercises, cleansing tips, reflection and meditation to prepare my body for a winter of health and vitality. Fall, a time when the winds begin to blow and cold starts to settle in, is considered the vata time of year; a time marked by instability and change that can effect our well-being. Cleansing now can help align your body with this changeable season, so you’ll move into winter from a strong base.

I had a full week of slowing down, warm food, and self-care. I've learned quite a few things about myself during the week and will definitely continue some of the practices:

I spent a lot of time in silence. It was beautiful listening to the kids play outside in this sweatshirt weather.

I woke up earlier than normal to get a relaxing yoga practice on, while my morning porridge and tea were warming on the stove.

I stayed in most nights and went to bed at 10pm. I meditated in bed each night before I drifted off.

I journaled a lot (many emotions were coming up but lots of clarity was there as well).

I massaged my whole body with sesame oil before every shower. Such a treat!

I realized how good warm (temperature) foods/drinks feel for my body as the weather changes.

I felt so balanced mentally and physically. Struggled with some food cravings the first few days but was so satisfied from the amazing/healing food I was consuming.

I was overwhelmed with such calmness. It was so beautiful.

Below are my delicious meals and teas that I prepared for myself throughout the week.
I NEVER got sick of them, especially the kitchari!!!!
My kitchen was a mess of Ayurvedic herbs, seasonings, cookbooks and healing goodness all week long!!! Made my first batch of ghee a day before the cleanse began, so fun!
Delicious and ever-so-healing kitchari on the stove. This is a staple dish served at every ashram I've ever been to at each meal. It's my favorite, and now I know how to make it and ALWAYS will! I've put my own twist to this recipe, so stay tuned!
Morning spiced quinoa porridge following my morning yoga and meditation practice. If I didn't spoon this out into a bowl and put it away, I could have easily ate the whole thing...just sayin.'
Lunchtime kitchari with fresh coriander chutney. Lightly steamed veggies on the side with half an avocado sprinkled with some pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Sipping on my fennel/cumin/coriander tea after to help digest, while journaling in silence.
Kitchari dinner with fresh cilantro and a side of steamed veggies on the side. A hearty cup of potassium broth on the side too!

(*Imagine a picture of a crispy, amazing organic apple here, with some almonds next to it*)
Sweet snack was apple slices with almonds. The reason there are no pictures is because as soon as I would cut into an apple it would be gone within a few minutes. SO good that I didn't even have the time to part from it to grab my camera!!!


  1. Hi Lauren,

    I really love this post about your experience on YJ's detox. I also enjoyed your comments on the FB event site. It sounds like you had a really great experience. That's what we hoped for when we put this together. Would you mind providing a link to the cleanse, so your readers can sign up if they're interested?


    Kelle Walsh
    Yoga Journal Web Editor

  2. Thanks, Kelle! I did put the link in the first sentence when you scroll over 7-day Fall Detox! =)

  3. Wow, this looks amazing Lauren!! Good for rock!! :)

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