
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Flexible On the Mat, Flexible Off the Mat!

Yesterday morning was like every other Monday morning. Alarm went off at 4:45am. I snooze for a bit, kiss the boyfriend goodbye as he leaves, then stumble out of bed, do a short yoga practice, take a shower and leave for NY. I drive my 2 hour commute and park my car in front of the office and realize...I left my briefcase on my desk chair at home containing my laptop, iPad, to-do list, planner and office access key.

Awesome. Not so much, so I thought.

For a good few minutes, I'm completely overwhelmed contemplating whether to turn back around. That would mean a good 4+ hours in the car, not even counting the other hour and a half for my commute home after work. No way.

I make it into the office (using someone else to grant me access into the building) and commit to a technology-free day. I began organizing, drafting new to-do lists, cleaning and catching up on the stack of magazines (for work) that are piled on my desk. I had only limited access to my mail and internet via my iPhone, and luckily had some gentle music playing from it all day, too. I check in with myself right before I go teach my yoga class at the end of the day and realize I feel completely at ease and happy with my technology-free yet productive day. Then it hit me - that is my yoga practice working!!!! Yoga increases flexibility throughout our body the more we practice. At the same time, when we stay true to our practice both on and off the mat, our minds become more flexible as well! Yesterday morning I was able to have a moment of pure frustration and panic when I realized I left EVERYTHING at home, but quickly snapped out of it and made the best with what I had all day long resulting in a wonderfully productive day.

I'm writing this now on my lovely laptop, with my iPad nearby, my access key on my hip and my planner open. Grateful for each one of them, but not dependent or attached! Well, maybe a little, but you know what I mean. Keep up with your yoga practice, it shifts things in such a wonderfully positive way even when you least expect it! Om.

1 comment:

  1. I have been using adjustable desks lately to great effect. They give me much more space when I need it to keep up with some really nifty exercises on top of helping me have a more ergonomic workspace
