
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Spring Cleaning: Out with the old, in with the new!

Every spring we all get that itch (well, at least I do) to clean up our space, go through our closets and toss what we no longer need. I get this bug baaaad every year around this time, but I love it! There is such a sense of pleasure for me to get rid of things that I haven't been using, expired food that is just taking up space in my kitchen, clothes that I haven't been wearing, etc. I get a thrill from the extra space that it creates and enjoy the feeling of "lightness" it brings! 

 I follow a few rules of Feng Shui and create 3 different piles while sorting through my closets/drawers/belongings:
1. things to definitely keep.
2. things to definitely throw away (or give away!)
3. an undecided pile to think about, and/or see if you use within the next 6 months (then purge if not!)

 Then I follow my purging with a quick wipe down of the area with a dampened rag with a little vinegar/water.

The beau, also known as Lammer, is preparing his house to be listed within the next few months. So, my strong desire to purge and clean has been rubbing off on him. This past weekend as we enjoyed the lovely Memorial Day weather we turned up the reggae and buzzed around the house cleaning, sorting, planting, washing, reorganizing, disposing, etc. Gosh, did it feel good!

Later in the afternoon I saw him roll out his ex-girlfriend's pretty pink Cadillac bike that's just been collecting dust in his basement (all while driving me NUTS each and every time I do laundry down there). "Ex-girlfriend's bike, fifty bucks, gotta go! How does that sound?!" he said to me as he was writing up a sign for it. "Love it!" I replied, super excited to get that old thing out of our lives! Within 5 minutes someone was knocking on the door with cash in their hand for the bike, but requested that it came along with the sign since it was so funny! Now someone else can enjoy the pretty pink bike without any of the baggage that it brought the two of us. Feng Shui at it's best!!

Happy spring cleaning to all!

This blog post was originally posted on Live. Breathe. Grow.'s blog. I'm an Inspiration Nation blogger for them, and so proud of it!

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