
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Roasted Veggies

Get out that chopping board and your best chef's knife.
Crank some tunes.
Pull out whatever veggies you've got in the house.
Get chopping.

Sweet potato (washed and skinned), chopped into chunks
Russet potatoes washed and chopped into chunks
Carrots peeled and chopped
Cauliflower head, chopped
Garlic cloves (to your taste), minced
100% grade B maple syrup
Sea salt
Fresh ground pepper
Extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil
(Insert any other veggies you want to add in or substitute to this mix)

Preheat oven to 450.  After chopping all of your veggies, place them in a huge bowl.  Drizzle olive oil (or coconut oil) and maple syrup over them.  Toss to coat, adding a bit more of either oil or syrup if needed.  Sprinkle sea salt and pepper and keep on tossing until everything has a nice shimmer to them.  Spread mixture onto a cookie sheet and throw into the oven.  Check and give them a stir at 10 minutes.  At twenty minutes do the same thing, but this time stir in the minced garlic.  At 30 minutes (or when veggies are browned and crispy at spots), remove from the stove and transfer to serving bowl.

Roasted veggies are great leftovers either warmed back up or cold.

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