
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

CYH's Songs of the Moment: Thievery Corporation, Culture of Fear

You know the days where you just can't figure out what to listen to? Sometimes no matter what you put on it just doesn't jive with you? When I have those days, I click on anyone of the songs in my Thievery Corporation playlist and just let it play. No matter what, it always ended up being just the right musical choice. If I want to chill and listen to something that will mellow me out, Thievery does it. On the flip side, if I need energy and want to get into a grove while working, cleaning or something...Thievery does it. I've been anxiously awaiting their new album and it's finally here with lots of tasty dub, just how I like it. Thank you, Thievery, AGAIN, for a totally awesome album.

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