
Monday, June 20, 2011

Doggies Need Healthy Food Too

Stanley is the love of my life. He's my parents 11 year old dachshund that is still just as full of life as he was in his younger years. We tend to forget that dogs need the right nutrition just as we do. There little pellets of dog food are very similar (nutrition-wise) to that of packaged foods for us. Just read the ingredients, you'll find plenty of additives that you cannot pronounce, just as you would picking up a packaged food in the grocery store! It's important to make sure that your doggie is getting the right nutrition, and there are a few things you can do to make sure they get it.

When I stop in at my parents, I love sharing my food with Stan. In the morning, I'll cut a piece of my banana and mash it into his food. If I'm making an egg, I'll always make an extra one for him (save half of it for the next day for him). If I've got any soup or (mild) sauce, I'll save a tablespoon or so, mix with warm water and add to his food. If my parents have any meat in the house I'll give him a bite or two. I'll also mash some sweet potato into his food, anything gentle yet nutritious that I know he can benefit from just as much as I do. My mom loves mixing in a teaspoon of nutritional yeast for some added flavor and protein too! Remember, there are some foods that dogs should NOT eat. Please review the list here.

If you haven't already, try looking for an all natural dog food. They are a good source of minerals, including manganese, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. The ideal diet of natural dog food is 100% free of grease and oil, while being rich in protein and fiber, which helps keep your dog on top of fitness and health.

You can take control over the health of your pet’s diet with your dog at home. Avoid processed foods because they are NOT healthy for your pet. Many natural food options exist. Talk to their vet about what natural diet is best for your pet. When the quality of your pet’s health is improved, they will live a longer, healthier life with you. You will also have less vet visits, which can add up!

Talk to their vet. Always talk to their veterinarian about what to feed your pet, and remind them that you would like to go as natural as possible to return to the diet nature intended. Their veterinarian will help you decide which food and products are better and what to things to avoid.

Consider supplements. Their vet can educate you about any supplements that can be a nice addition to your dog’s diet to maximize health potential. Vitamins and minerals are an essential part of a diet for any dog.

Dog gone raw. Raw or organic meat diets are preferred by many dog owners, the first consists of various cuts of meat, vegetable juices and a variety of grains. The second is almost the same thing, except it is produced organically or personally harvested, depending on the type of garden space the dog ownerhas available.

Go organic. An organic dog diet is easily achieved at home with the purchase of organic dog food, meat, vegetables and grains. If you have access to organic products grown in their local area, this may be the best option for your pet. If you have time and space, consider growing your own organic vegetables for use in the diet of your dog, and of course, for yourself!

Done correctly, a natural food diet at home is sure to provide your furry friend better nutrition. However, a poorly planned diet at home with inferior ingredients can be harmful to your dog in the same way that processed food can be for us.

Photo = Stanley, my parent's 10 1/2 year old dachshund, isn't he beautiful?! His favorite snack are baby carrots. He hears the bag in the refrigerator, comes running into the kitchen and quickly stands on his hind legs, begging with his hands for a crunch! Love him-

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